It’s seminar time again! “Good
grief!” you may be thinking, “What’s up with that?” Maybe Blair
& I are hopelessly addicted, but in my opinion it’s all good.
Let me clarify our reasons for attending what some might think
are ‘so many’ seminars. One word - ‘developing’. We are each
committed to developing our sense of self within the
interconnectedness of all things, so that we might understand
our roles on this earth. If this is too esoteric for you, let’s
just say we believe everyone is here for a reason. When that
reason, and more importantly, how to express it becomes clear,
then we’ll be joy-fully-filled. We’ll also be able to more
effectively spread this energy to others.
By Prescription Only
As for addiction - in our defense we carefully pick and choose
the seminars we attend. Seminars are big business these days;
I’m sure most of you have been encouraged one way or another to
attend one (like by a relentless, raging raven?) How do you
decide whether it might be beneficial? Recommendations from
people you trust and admire are good. For instance, friends of
ours registered for “Millionaire Mind Intensive” because they
noticed the positive changes in us. It paid off for them.
Many seminar companies offer introductory samples - another good
idea. If you have a chance to attend a free intro - which is
what we’ve done on more than one occasion - you have a no-risk
opportunity to make an educated decision. Trust your intuition.
If you still feel good about it, even in the marketing hype that
typifies these intro seminars, it’s probably worthwhile to dive
in. Really, what have you got to lose - a few dollars, and few
days of your life? If you decide in the end you didn’t gain
anything, you will at least have taken the risk. That in itself
is valuable experience, and so you’ll still have won. A life
worth living is about taking risks. Sitting back and letting
life pass you by never gets you farther ahead.
Side Effects
Possibly the scariest thing for many about registering for
seminars is the aforementioned masterful marketing ploys.
They’ll probably use every trick in the book to get you there.
They may even have written the book! Here’s my perspective:
Instead of getting your hackles up, appreciate it. As far as
percentages go, successful seminar companies are extremely adept
marketers, with high sales conversion rates. Study and learn
from it.
Back on track. Which seminar did we attend this time? This one,
a product of Warrior Sage Inc. is titled “Sex, Passion, and
Enlightenment”. Just try marketing anything with the word ‘sex’
via the internet! Email spam filters are kept busy with that
one. So, in the end we were registered to attend “***, Passion,
and Enlightenment”!! :)
Your curiosity may have been aroused by the word ‘***’. What the
heck were we developing here? This course focuses on the
development of successful, long-term intimate relationships, by
helping people to understand the importance of sexual essence.
The attraction between sexual essences ignites the spark,
producing a romantic relationship. What is necessary to keep
that spark burning indefinitely?
First, you must understand what sexual essence or energy is.
Please be aware that it’s not gender specific. Most women do
embrace a high degree of feminine energy, and conversely, most
men are predominantly masculine. However, just as estrogen and
testosterone are not totally exclusive to either gender, we all
possess some degree of both essences. Where we innately fall on
the scale determines our predominant sexual nature.
Unfortunately, life often intervenes, and we could find
ourselves unconsciously blocking our true essence. For instance,
career women might have learned to project a stronger masculine
essence in order to thrive in the business world. Some men might
have encountered, during their youth, an overly driven,
uncompassionate male, the result being the adoption of a
‘sensitive new age man’ persona. But if these energies don’t
resonate with their true essences, how do you think their
intimate relationships will ultimately be affected?
Earth to Space
What, then, characterizes each of the sexual energies? To
oversimplify, masculine energy is recognized as being
purposeful, on a mission, goal oriented, directional , outside
of emotions. The masculine is very transcendental or
theoretical. Like the sky, it oversees from above. The feminine
is more adaptable, open to giving and receiving love, radiant,
often nurturing, sometimes unpredictable. Think of nature. The
feminine flows with life, and is grounded in the earth.
Determining where our true nature falls on the
feminine-masculine scale, and learning to clear the blockages by
opening our hearts can be a huge benefit toward developing
lasting, joyful intimate relationships. However, sometimes
creating a shell is appropriate - ie. women in business or
single fathers. The trick is to be able to access the necessary
energy without losing ourselves to it. Being confused about our
true sexual essence can result in being unable to attract, keep,
or enjoy the perfect intimate relationship.
Open Heart Merger
If you find this interesting you can investigate it more
thoroughly by reading the works of David Deida. I recommend
starting with “Intimate Communion - Awakening Your Sexual
Essence”. This is the one the S.P.E. Seminar is based upon. If
you’re ready to experience the exercises that are designed to
help you open your heart and move toward a fulfilling intimate
relationship, whether you’re already half of a couple, or would
like to be, check it out at For a
referral, contact Diane or Blair at Corbins. We’ll be pleased to
answer your questions.
Mission Possible
You know we’re always happy to answer your questions at Corbins.
We’re the sign industry experts, and our mission is to help you
develop your business - joyfully.
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