Why do so many businesses end
up sucking wind? Perhaps you might reflect on this question
while I tell you what I’ve been up to lately. Another seminar!
You might be wondering, will it ever stop? I hope not! I’m
committed to improving myself and whatever part of the world I
can touch, so I must continue learning and challenging myself to
move on to greater things.
The seminar in question was Peak Potentials “Seminar of the
Century - Woodstock for the Mind”. It truly was! Imagine sitting
outdoors on a mountain slope, with an incredible panorama, in
the picturesque ski village of Snowmass, Colorado for 13 hours
everyday for 3 days, listening to the greatest personal/business
development trainers in North America. Whew! T. Harv Eker,
president of Peak Potentials really delivered!
Each day consisted of 4 to 5 speakers, the likes of who I’ll
introduce later. And every evening we were treated to a bit of
nostalgia in the form of live music, provided by some of the
headliners from the 70’s and 80’s. Many of you may remember
David Jenkins (Pablo Cruise), David Pack (Ambrosia), and Alan
Parsons (Alan Parsons Project), to name a few.
Up and Away!
Believe me, enlightenment and inspiration were in the air! And
we absorbed it like sponges. Was it the experience of a life
time? I hope not. My goal is to attract many more incredible
experiences which will continue to motivate me. This was not the
first for me, and I won’t allow it to be the last. I know Blair
is of the same mind set. It’s been crucial to our personal and
business successes to participate in similar experiences.
Before I share some of my gleanings from the gurus who shared
their greatest secrets with us, I have more exciting news.
Before departing Snowmass, we orchestrated another unbelievably
awesome experience - a hot air ballon ride in the midst of the
Colorado Rockies. Something else I’d highly recommend!
I think the best way to share my ‘AHA’s’ from the seminar is to
give you insights from the speakers, without expounding on their
offerings. If something speaks to you, I urge you to check them
out - Google them, buy their books, study their philosophies.
These are highly successful people, personally and financially.
They live their lives with joy, and they give back to the world.
Giving is unanimously their emphasis; in fact, it’s what
motivates each of them to greatness. Let’s get started!
(Disclaimer: These are not necessarily direct quotes, but my
interpretation of what was said.) (If you’ve already read the
print version, for your convenience the extra content is
highlighted in red print.)
Bob Proctor (”You Were Born Rich”, “The Secret”)
- The definition of a paradigm is a multitude of habits which
control our lives. To make a difference we need to change them.
Paradigms affect our logic, perception, happiness,
relationships, and dictate how we use our time and our money!
- At birth your mind is wide open to thoughts, images, ideas.
Then ideas become fixed (the conditioned mind). The conditioning
is known as the paradigm. The paradigm is in the subconscious
- We’ve been conditioned to live from the outside in. We need to
learn to do the opposite. How many things do we do habitually,
not even knowing why, that someone else decided for us?!
- The law of attraction responds to the paradigm, not the
- Results will change if your awareness changes. Don’t focus on
intellect - focus on awareness. Once awareness is expanded,
it’ll never change!
- Make a lifetime commitment to a daily program of
- Working is the worst way to earn money. Rich people have
multiple sources of income. This is the way to become wealthy.
Work only for your satisfaction!
- Money can be used to make you comfortable, and when you’re
comfortable you can be creative!
- Spend your money on things that will earn you money, so you
can do something bigger!
- If there’s something you want to do, decide to do it now -
don’t wait to figure it out!
- Time can’t be managed - activities can!
- Decide to do it; don’t wait to figure it out!
- Money is a magnifier. If you’re a jerk, you’ll become a bigger
jerk, but if you’re committed to doing great things, then you
can do greater things!
- The wealthiest place on earth is the cemetery. There you’ll
find all of the gifts that were never given away!
Mark Victor Hansen (”Chicken Soup for the Soul”)
- When feeling rejected say, “NEXT!”
- Mental malpractice - “I can’t!”
- People with BIG goals build and buy BIG companies!
- BIG companies are built with BIG ideas, a BIG story, and BIG
- BIG people like BIG projects!
- BIG ideas get BIG capital!
- BIG companies play with BIG partners!
- BIG distribution makes you rich!
- Rich people can do BIG charity!
- Ask...Believe...Receive!
- Focus on refirement, not retirement!
- Marketing is story telling!
- Teach your children and grandchildren to be wealth creators!
- Paradigm shifts are fast!
- Create massive value for others!
- 94% of all business failure is system failure!
- 7 Goal Categories: Family, Relationships, Spiritual,
Health/Fitness, Financial, Career!
- You are one MEGA idea and one KEY CONTACT away from unlimited
Jack Canfield (”Chicken Soup for the Soul”, “The Secret”)
- Go farther and faster with less effort!
- Take responsibility for your life. Give up blaming,
complaining, justifying, defending, and excuse making!
- You have control over your thoughts, images, and feelings!
Alan Cohen (”Relax Into Wealth”)
- If you have a need for something, someone out there has a need
to fulfill it!
- Limits are learned - there are no limits!
- We are born fine; then we are defined; now we work to be
- Stop what deadens you!
- If it’s not a “Hell Yes!”, it’s a “Hell No!”
- Every minus is a beginning of a plus waiting for a stroke of
vertical awareness!
- It’s all about the ride; suffering does not buy happiness, joy
buys happiness!
- Is there life before death?!
- Success Steps: Claim inherent brilliance!
- Pave your own avenue to wisdom!
- Trust your gut!
- Be perfectly authentic!
- Deliver with passion!
- Be not distracted!
- Take an action step that signifies belief!
- Launch and release!
Les Brown (”It’s Not Over Until You Win!”)
- If there’s no enemy within, the enemy outside can’t do you
- If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit nothing dead on the head!
Most people aim too low and hit (or don’t aim at all.) Better to
aim too high and miss!
- If you’re the smartest in your group, you need a new group!
- Leap, and grow your wings on the way down!
- Don’t be afraid to fail your way to success!
- When life knocks you down, land on your back so you can get
- Life is about expansion; success is never ending!
- Live full - die empty!
- Someone’s opinion of you does not have to be your reality!
- It’s necessary to have a strategy and game plan to change the
story of yourself!
- Be a risk taker!
- Invest in yourself until you die!
- Don’t take it personally!
- When things go wrong, don’t go with them!
- Try to get on top; the bottom’s overcrowded!
- You’re never too old to learn or too young to teach!
- Feel it in your heart, not your head!
- Provide more service than you get paid for!
- It’s better to expect an opportunity and not have one, than to
have an opportunity and not be prepared!
- Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss you’ll land among
the stars!
Brian Tracy ("The Psychology of Achievement")
- One of the universal laws of physics is the Law of Cause and
Effect: Thoughts are causes; conditions are effects!
- Follow the recipe to be successful. If you do over and over
what successful people do, you will eventually be successful,
- If you believe something strongly enough, it becomes reality!
- The Law of Attraction is necessary, but not sufficient for
success. It eventually requires action on your part!
- Your outer world is a mirror of your inner world (thoughts,
feelings, emotions)!
- To attract something you must be absolutely crystal clear
about what you want; write it down. Then take off! Keep
correcting and never quit!
- Another universal law is the Law of Sympathetic Resonance,
which stresses the importance of the vibrations you emit.
According to this law, striking a tuning fork on one side of a
room will cause a piano string on the other side of the room to
spontaneously begin to vibrate, sounding either the same note or
a harmonic of the note sounded by the tuning fork!
- The Law of Super Conscious Activity says that any thought,
plan, goal, or idea that you can hold continuously will be
brought into your reality. In other words, you become what you
think about most of the time!
Suggestion: Write down 10 goals to accomplish before the end of
the year. Once you’ve decided on a major goal, the only question
is how?!
Barbara DeAngelis (”How Did I Get Here?”)
- Make your vision bigger than your story!
- Honour divine discomfort. When you find yourself restless,
depressed, lazy, or self-sabotaging you may be getting ready to
give birth to yourself (transformation)!
- You came here with a bundle to give away, so you can finish
your life empty-handed and light-hearted!
- There is nothing holding you back from greatness except
- We see the world through the lens of our issues!
- Don’t scare yourself forward - love yourself forward. Love
everyone forward!
- The winds of grace are always blowing, but you must raise the
Art Linkletter (”Kids Say the Darndest Things!”, “People Are
Funny”, “Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life”)
- Positive action versus positive thinking!
- Don’t get old - grow old!
John Gray (”Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus”, “The
- Don’t waste your time waiting for someone else to change or
acknowledge they’re wrong!
- Every storm is temporary!
Michael Gerber (”The E-Myth Revisited”)
- So many businesses end up sucking wind!
- Definition of a job: No passion, no purpose, no meaning - just
filling up days to get by!
- What is your dream? Start with what is unacceptable to you.
Everyone has an entrepreneur within!
The Raven
I’ve learned so many businesses end up sucking wind because the
owner is focused only on creating a job for themself. In order
for a business to be highly successful, it must focus on
marketing and innovation. A successful business must be created
by an entrepreneur, not a technician. If you are willing to
discover the entrepreneur in you, and spend most of your time
working on your business, rather than in your business, you can
have greater success, too.
We’re here to encourage your
inner entrepreneur. Our purpose is to provide sign manufacturing
businesses with the products, service, education, and
inspiration they need to grow their business. If this is what
you’re looking for, please contact us now.
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