Are you happy? I mean are you
truly happy? True happiness is not dependent on situations or
things. Of course, you’ll feel happy when you acquire your new
favourite thing, or when you accomplish something for which
you’ve worked hard. You’ll feel happy when a loved one gets
their due reward, or when someone does something special for
you. You’ll feel happy when you start a highly anticipated new
relationship, at the birth of your child, etc., but are you
truly happy?
The happiness described above is object based; it’s dependent on
things and situations. Without the energy provided by
situations, such as the ones described above, it’s totally
possible for someone to be unhappy. We see it all the time -
probably in our own lives. I know I’m guilty. I’m easily bored,
and not always very motivated. Instead of feeling a sense of
pleasure from just being, I require something to which I can
refer, in order to feel happy. I can’t seem to get in touch with
a sense of joy without something to cause it. My happiness is
based on object referral.
The state of happiness I’d like to achieve is self referral -
the ability to be happy no matter what’s happening to and around
me. In that case, I wouldn’t be concerned by how good or bad I
am, based on a particular standard or set of rules. Each one of
us is made up of both sinner and saint. The entire universe is
comprised of duality. Contrast such as this is what fuels the
process of creation, and it’s the interaction of this contrast
that allows the world to exist. You see, I am exactly as I’m
supposed to be!
Black & White
According to Deepak Chopra, “When we’re standing in the light,
then we have a shadow. If we don’t have a shadow, then we’re
standing in darkness.” (Power, Freedom,
and Grace) Sheds a new light on the
matter, doesn’t it?
If I could transcend my mind, I would discover my eternal spirit
- my very soul, and I would witness the one who plays the roles
in my life - daughter, mother, grandmother, writer.... In this
state it wouldn’t matter to me whether I’m good or bad, or what
others think of me. I would accept the shadow part of me, of
which I am normally ashamed. I would know that together my dark
side and my light side make me complete. I would no longer be so
obsessed with hiding my darkness. I would just be natural and
unaffected. People who can manage this tend to be relaxed and
When I watch my one-month-old grandson, I recognize this
quality. He’s barely starting to access his mind. He’s natural
and unaffected. When he’s hungry, he let’s you know. When he’s
uncomfortable, he lets you know. He’s very much in his body, and
he doesn’t care what anyone thinks of him. He’s just starting to
smile, and it’s completely natural. There is no complicated plan
or deceit behind anything he does. He feels it, and he lets it
happen. For the most part, he hasn’t yet learned to try to
control the outcome. He’s very self-referred, and I find him
completely loveable.
So, I’d like to create true happiness. How do I do that? What
makes me think I can control how happy I am? Well, here’s the
thing, who’s going to do it for me. I’m absolutely certain no
one else can make me happy. Happiness must come from within, and
since I’m the only one within me, then I’m the only one who can
control my happiness. What I need to learn is how to do this. I
believe it will take a lot of dedication and practice in order
for it to finally happen.
God’s Hands
What I’ve become aware of is, in order to manifest something, my
desires and beliefs must match each other on a vibrational
level. I can’t possibly create happiness by sorta kinda
believing I can be happy. If I’m putting up any resistance at
all, then I’m actually focused on the lack of happiness, which
is exactly what I’ll get. So, if I really want to be happy, I
have to believe completely that I can be. Faith and trust are
what get prayers answered.
Let me rephrase that. I believe prayer is always answered, but
what actually is the prayer? If I’m only half-heartedly asking
for something, or if I’m saying one thing and thinking another
what exactly is the request? Remember, every thought is a
prayer, and verbal requests do not override thoughts. Thoughts
are very powerful expressions of the protective ego, and often
stomp out our true desires. When I’m not getting the results I
think I want, I’d better think again! Better yet, I need to
trust my feelings, and refrain from thinking too much.
This is why it’s useful to get in touch with who you are. I know
it sounds strange, but few of us over the age of 1 remember who
we really are. During the journey of life we’ve lost track of
ourselves. We’ve surrounded our true selves with shells and
protective barriers. Soon we identify with these shells, and our
true nature is forgotten. I recently attended a workshop which
led each of the participants to seek to discover their true
nature. Many were rewarded with the answer, and found incredible
joy in it. At the very least, it’s a worthwhile process to
remove shells and barriers which suffocate the soul. From
beneath all of this armour our true selves can emerge.
Would you like to trust that you can have what you want in life?
I’ve only just begun reading it myself, but I’d highly recommend
the book “Ask and It Is Given - Learning to Manifest Your
Desires” by Esther and Jerry Hicks. It’s been endorsed by many
of my favourite teachers.
As far as your business is concerned, the same principles apply.
If you dare to dream it, all you have to do is trust (meaning
all your vibrations are aligned), and you can have it. It sounds
simple, yet I realize it can be difficult to put into practice.
This is where SignEquip comes in. We can offer encouragement,
and help you manifest what you need to make your business super
successful. All you have to do is ask!
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