HELP! Since attending a weekend
seminar on the topic of ‘help’, it’s come to my attention that I
have issues around the giving and receiving of help. It’s also
clear that I’m not the only one. How do you think you fare? Ask
yourself these questions: How do you feel about asking for help,
or even receiving help when it’s offered? What is your usual
response when another asks you for help? Are you inclined to
blurt out “yes”, and then feel resentful because your plate is
already overflowing? Or have you learned to immediately say “no”
to avoid inconvenience to yourself? Do you easily give help
straight from the heart, no ego involved, or do you find
yourself helping due to your own agenda?
Where do you sit with receiving help? Is it hard for you to
receive help from another? Do you always avoid asking for help
at any cost, or do you finally ask out of desperation? Do you
only ask when you’re in victim mode? Does asking or accepting
make you feel weak? Does it make you fear judgment or criticism
from others? Or are you one who realizes things go easier when
we freely and lovingly help each other?
If you identify with a number of the above scenarios, don’t
despair! You have lots of company, yours truly included. One of
our reasons for being is to learn, so once we’ve uncovered an
issue, the next step is to decide what we can learn from it.
I’m learning that help is a form of energy that’s healthy from
both perspectives - giving and receiving - when it comes from
the heart, without agenda or expectations. Giving is a choice;
it’s best not done if one is not open to do what is required. By
not accepting, we deprive another of the joy of serving.
Receiving is the corollary of giving and is equally important.
Having said that, I’ve noticed that it’s better not to accept if
there is attachment to the results. What is vital to making the
giving and receiving of help a joyful experience for both
parties is that it be done consciously, with heartfelt
Zig Zag
While contemplating ‘help’, my mind, which is seldom on a
straight track, made a few twists and turns before landing on
the subject of synchronicity. This is when I realized I hadn’t
actually strayed very far after all. Synchronicity is about all
the forces of the universe coming together to help us. It’s
about miracles and magic. It’s about our desires being fulfilled
- all we need do is be open to infinite possibilities.
Absolutely anything can happen at any time.
Religion teaches that God answers prayer. Considering that every
thought is a prayer - stay with me on this one - what we think
about most of the time is what manifests in our lives. If we are
constantly projecting negative energy, we will be helped by
having our wishes fulfilled. Perhaps you are familiar with the
phrase, “Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it!”
I’m going to tell you that if it’s your prime focus, you
certainly will get it - one way or another.
This is where openness comes in. I’ve only recently begun to
grasp this concept, but I’ve already seen the results, and
they’ve been very rewarding. Being “open is the state of
relaxing one’s mind, which relaxes one’s ego. It’s “letting go,
and letting God.” It’s giving up any attachment to the
fulfillment of any situation.
Plugged Up
This is difficult for some to grasp, but although we must define
an objective, set an intention, and focus our attention on it,
it’s crucial to avoid attachment to the outcome. Attachment
causes us to be closed and controlling. It sets the stage for
disappointment. Far better to be open to the infinite
possibilities of the Universe. Since the Universe always
conspires in our favour, the outcome will likely be better than
what we might have imagined. It might not appear that way at
first glance, since our tendency is to have our own way with
things, but when this doesn’t happen and our ego is wondering
‘why me?’, remaining open will eventually bring clarity. The
more open we are, the sooner we’ll be able to recognize the
positivity of the situation. This is what is meant by every
cloud having a silver lining.
How does this affect the process of setting an intention and
trusting our objective will be fulfilled? Many experts advise
using visualization as an important step toward realizing our
desires. It enables the mind to understand and accept, which
allows us to transcend our ego and trust in the possibility of
having what we want. It also allows us to have clarity, so we
can focus whatever energy is necessary to accomplish our
objective. Sometimes what is required is immediate physical
energy to work toward the goal. Other times we might just sit
and wait, being conscious and aware, so that we are ready to act
when the appropriate criteria are presented to us.
I’ve spoken a lot about openness. What is it? And how does it
feel? For me, it’s a very physical feeling. I feel it in my
body. I also feel being closed as physical sensations. My
muscles constrict, my breath catches or stops, my gut clenches,
I feel heavy. It’s a feeling of tightening up and shutting down
- I can feel doors closing. Conversely, opening feels relaxed;
my breath flows freely; I feel peaceful, free, and totally
accepting. Is it any wonder that amazing things happen when I’m
in this state? It’s no wonder things go awry when I’m closed and
my mind is bombarding me with all sorts of negative reasoning -
or rather un-reasoning!
Remote Control
How does one move from a closed state to being fully open? This
is often difficult to accomplish as a result of the human
condition. For me, it takes lots of practice. It definitely
takes a conscious decision. I sometimes do a bit of ‘brain gym’,
making a physical gesture by taking a wide stance, throwing my
arms wide open and breath-ing consciously. This helps me to feel
the concept of openness, and get my brain around it.
It’s interesting how negativity seems to manifest from a totally
unconscious state. When we wake up to the truth and set the
agenda presented by a closed mind aside, we’re consciously
making a decision to allow God energy to flow through us. This
is real power and this is synchronicity in action.
What does all of this have to do with help? Help is an important
cog in the machinery of synchronicity. It’s an exchange of
energy between two parties, which enables magic to occur. It
encourages openness and cooperation. When freely given and fully
accepted, it raises spirits and radiates positivity in all
directions. When we help or accept help from each other, we
spread joy, which has far-reaching effects.
Service Bureau
We at SignEquip are here to help. Yes, a big part of our
business is selling products that can help your business, but
we’re also full of amazing information, which we impart to you
through this newsletter and our “SIGNED UP” email newsletter, as
well as our website. If you have further questions or need help
in any other way, give us a call. We’ll do our best to help you
with your needs.
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