Normally I don’t use this
column to make a blatant sales pitch. Well, this time is no
exception. However, business is about opportunity, and since
this publication offers an opportunity, there is an issue I’d
like to tackle, in as subtle a manner as I can manage.
Pitch and Putt
Time and time again, I hear this excuse, “We really don’t have a
market for that.” Really?! It’s been my experience that this
remark is usually associated with someone talking themself out
of purchasing a digital printer. Why would anyone do that? Well,
comparatively speaking, they’re looking at forking out big
bucks. Scary! However.... Recall what I just said about
Exactly what would someone know about the digital printing
market if they’re not involved in it? And how many of their
clients are going to order this product from them? They don’t do
this work! Would you go to your family practitioner to have your
teeth cleaned? So, how many digital printing businesses have
they investigated? Have they talked to these business owners?
Apparently these people have discovered a market for it.
Ever Ready
Here’s my suggestion: Do your research. As I’ve already pointed
out, there is a market for it. Ask around, talk to the people
doing this work, poll potential clients, survey your clients.
Learn about the market and what benefits it will provide for
them. Learn about the benefits it’ll provide for you.
Be scared - that’s okay. Do it anyway. Ready, fire, aim! (Yes, I
said those in the correct order!) A warrior acts in spite of
fear! A warrior’s way is the way of action! One step at a time.
But don’t get me started on that! (Okay, too late!)
So, if anyone is interested in learning more about Enlightened
Warrior Training Camp, and what it can do for you, in both your
business and personal life, contact me or Blair. (No, this isn’t
a sales pitch, just something we’re excited about.)
So, where was I? Oh yeah - digital printing! Now, here it
comes...... When you’ve finally decided to get your feet wet -
we’ve already determined the market exists. Right? Or if you’re
still not sure, and need to do more homework, Corbins will be
here for you. We have more than one type of printer available,
and our caring, competent, and committed sales staff will be
eager to discuss the pros and cons with you. We’ll help you make
the best choice.
Okay, so was that subtle enough for you? Oh, to heck with it!
Marketing is not supposed to be subtle, it’s supposed to be
outrageous in order to be effective!
Bean Sprouts
Speaking of outrageous, here comes the inevitable book plug. You
can blame this one on Blair, although I admit I’m getting hooked
on it. It’s called “Marketing Outrageously - How to Increase
Your Revenue by Staggering Amounts”. No, Staggering Amounts is
not the name of the author! It’s actually by Jon Spoelstra.
There’s even a few pages dedicated to what he did for the
Edmonton Oilers at one time.
You don’t read marketing books, you say? And you don’t
advertise?! But you did say you were in business, didn’t you?
You can’t afford to? Can you afford not to?! If you can increase
your sales by a substantial amount (if you are currently not
advertising at all, I can guarantee you will) is it really
costing you? Or do you actually come out ahead? All you need is
a bit of education to make the right choice. Don’t hesitate on
this one. Read books!
Unwind Your Mind
I do understand the expense involved in advertising, and to that
end I’m working on a project that will provide an affordable
alternative. But don’t wait for me. Find an affordable solution
ASAP! If you’re stumped, I might suggest looking into fax
broadcasts. They can be inexpensive, and they do produce
results. They’ve worked for us. But here’s the thing, don’t
expect anything to produce miraculous results in one
application. There’s a 5 to 7 times rule in advertising. This is
the number of times someone may have to see your ad before they
respond. Be prepared to do any campaign at least 5 times before
you decide it’s not working. So, until next time.....
Wishing one and all a happy, joyful summer. Don’t forget to take
some time for yourself just to chill out.
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