Guess what? This bird’s going on vacation - taking some of my
own advice and creating some space. It’s time to take a break
from the usual routine, and renew myself with rest, relaxation,
and different experiences. Unfortunately, this will be a
relatively short break by most standards, but a break it is.
This’ll be one of those surprise vacations - you know (okay,
maybe you don’t) ‘where are we going; how are we getting there?’
Surprise! It’s been a long while since we’ve done one of these.
Usually, I have everything so organized and planned there’s
little room for big surprises. Maybe this is just what I need.
After all, I’m the one that professes to be “comfortable with
chaos, ambiguity, and the unknown,” as my mentor T. Harv Eker of
Peak Potentials Training advocates. After all, letting the
universe unfold (do we have a choice?) as it will, and accepting
it (there’s the rub!) ultimately makes life easier and more
fulfilling. If you want to have more abundance in your life, as
opposed to stress and scarcity, let it go.
This will be a test for me. Can I let it go? On some levels I'm
very comfortable with the aforementioned process, but on others
I’m all about the details. It seems there’s considerable house
cleaning remaining to be done in my mind. In order to achieve
freedom in all aspects of my life, I need to be freedom. This
requires practice and incredible awareness.
Are you aware? ‘Of what?’ you ask. I mean, are you fully
conscious of every move you make, or do you go through life in a
blur? Do you find you’re seldom focused on the present moment -
you can’t find that pen you had in your hand only moments ago,
and “What’s that you just said?” Or “I came in here to do
something. Uh, what was it?” Maybe ”I wonder how the ice cream
got in the cupboard?!” How about “I’m sure I put my keys in my
pocket / purse.”
Most of us have had those moments, but should you accept them?
I’m going to suggest they’re an obstacle to your success. You
don’t have to accept anything that is a detriment to success in
any area of your life. By success I mean that which is achieved
and brings you joy. It might be something as little as getting
those dishes washed, or something as big as creating the most
lucrative business in the world. Bigger yet - discovering and
embracing ecstasy and joy in your life, whatever that is for
So, how do you accomplish success? What are the steps? You might
already know I’m a big advocate of meditation. I know Blair
feels the same way. Why? Because it works. I’m suggesting it
will work for you.
If you’re not sure what meditation is, if you’re not sure how to
go about it, or if you’ve tried it and gave up on it because you
didn’t see any results, please do some research. Get on the web
and ‘Google’ away, it’s worth the relatively little time and
effort. An excellent little book, complete with CD, is ‘Getting
in the Gap: Making Conscious Contact with God Through
Meditation’ by Dr. Wayne Dyer. If you need encouragement or want
to discover how to realize more from your meditation, there are
good facilitators, offering workshops and classes, in almost
every locale. Consider taking one. You’ll be glad you did.
Briefly, what will meditation do for you? It’ll create space. So
what - who cares - what’s so good about that? That, my friends,
is everything! If you really think I’ve fallen off my perch this
time, so what, who cares!! The point is to stop thinking. Rest,
relax, be conscious and aware, but do this in full body
consciousness, not mind consciousness. With your mind chattering
at you , you often end up doing the dumbest things - excuse me,
the most non-supportive things. Or is this only my experience?
In the past I’ve talked myself out of what I later discovered
would have been the most successful investment strategies ever.
By the way, when I use the word ‘investment’ I use it in it’s
greatest context. I mean investments in all aspects of life -
business, money, health, and emotional and spiritual well-being.
Meditation helps you put all the mind friction to rest. It
allows you to access your intuition, which is your greatest gift
of guidance from the Source Itself. Once again, putting Harv’s
words in my beak, it encourages you to “trust God, and trust
yourself.” The awareness you glean from meditation will let you
recognize your connection to your Source. There’s great power
and peace in that.
If you’re a religious person you will already acknowledge the
existence of this Source. You probably also understand that Its
spirit exists within you. This column is perhaps the greatest
evidence of that in my life. What I write here pours out
generally unbidden by me. What I’ve written often surprises me.
Where does it come from? It comes from a place outside my mind -
from a greater source. Within my mind exists a protective entity
known as the ego. For me, writing is a channel to by-pass that
protection and let it all hang out. It makes me vulnerable,
which gives me freedom. Sounding crazier by the minute? I‘d
rather be crazy than imprisoned by fear and misery.
If you’re ready to be crazy, but free, meditation is a vehicle
to get there. Consider this: Sanity is overrated and extremely
over-priced. Freedom is priceless. If you have to be insane to
be free, so be it. I know one thing, you will have to chuck your
ego aside, and allow yourself to be vulnerable in order to be
free. It’s the walls, shells, and barriers we erect that
suppress our ability to be freedom.
We don’t have to be crazy to work at Corbins, but it helps! And
maybe everything isn’t free, but our helpfulness won’t cost you
a thing. While creating abundance for ourselves, we really do
want you to do the same. Our mission is to assist you to get the
products that will be most helpful in your quest for business
success. Leverage your investment - give Corbins a call.
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