It’s been a weird and
wonderful summer. We enjoyed another amazing vacation, spending
the first half visiting our daughter in Sechelt, on B.C.’s
gorgeous Sunshine Coast. The remainder was invested in rest and
relaxation on the shore of Salt Spring Island, once again
pitching our tent on the very edge of Ruckle Park, amidst the
sounds of the waves, passing ships, and the birds. Except for
some like-minded neighbours, there was little else to disturb
our reverie.
Relatively Speaking
Although, I must admit my obnoxious cousins, the crows, did
their best to test us. Apparently, the tree we selected to shade
our little nest of a tent had already been claimed as their
piece of real estate. And when one parks one’s tent in crow
territory, especially beneath their nest, well, one gets what
one deserves! More than once we pressed a bucket of soapy water
into service to scrub the crows’ unscrupulous warning signs from
the walls of our tent. During our attempts to erase their crappy
graffiti, the vandals enjoyed a good chortle, safely hidden in
the branches above. I suppose he who laughs last, laughs best,
but we stood our ground, and held to our squatter’s rights
beneath the tree. In the end, a good time was had by all.
I had made a pact with myself to diminish the stack of unread
books in my possession, and this I managed to do with a
reasonable amount of success. After all, I’ve hiked most of
Ruckle’s trails already, and I’ve explored it’s shoreline with
great attentiveness on previous occasions, so this time I
limited those activities to mere strolls. Instead, I mostly
parked my butt and picked up a book. It may not have done
wonders for the shape of my butt, but I did manage to strike a
couple of books off my ‘must read’ list.
Mythological Proportions
Thanks to my lethargy I do have a couple of books to recommend.
Both Blair and I have thoroughly enjoyed, and had our minds
opened by Dan Millman’s offerings, “ Way of the Peaceful
Warrior” and “Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior”. These
tales can best be described as autobiographical novels. Dan has
woven his life experiences skillfully into entertaining stories
with profoundly inspiring revelations. Our next adventure with
Dan will be during the viewing of the movie with the same title
as the first-mentioned book. We’re impatiently waiting for it to
be released on video, as it finished it’s run in an Edmonton
theater during our absence.
So, what of the weirdness of the summer? It’s not only the crows
that have been up to mischief in Corbinland this summer. It
seems there are a lot of disgruntled people passing through our
neighbourhood recently. Since late spring we’ve experienced at
least five episodes of human inspired vandalism against our
vehicles. Keep in mind we’ve lived in the same house for almost
27 years, and in all that time previously suffered maybe 3 or 4
acts of destruction against our property.
This last incident caused quite a stir in the neighbourhood, as
we weren’t the only target. Dozens of people, rushing off to
work first thing in the morning were stopped in their tracks
when they discovered flat tires on their cars. Blair observed
the fiasco with some celebrity, as he found himself in front of
the camera that broke the story on the noon T.V. news. Sometime
during the wee hours some sorry soul managed to slash the tires
on 3 of our family’s vehicles, and continued down the street to
wreak havoc on about 30 more!
So, who’s the real victim here? I guess it depends who you talk
to. My family members, who incurred inconvenience and expense
are likely to have a different take on this issue. I, however,
having been spared the wrath of the mad slasher, am going to
suggest that he/she’s the real victim here. Big of me, isn’t it?
My point is that only a sorry soul would do such a dastardly
deed, and who wants to be in their position?
Cosmic Traveler
When it comes to things like this, at times like this, it’s best
to trust karmic principles. Realize that everything happens for
a reason, and the reason will always serve our greater good. The
fact that we’re not likely to see it in that light at the time
of occurrence hardly matters. There are greater forces at work
here, and each of us is only a cog in the machinery of the
Rules of Engagement
I suppose you expect me to speculate on how this incident could
possibly serve anyone’s best interests. What’s the point?
Really, it’s neither here nor there. Each and every one affected
by the experience will have their own story to tell - if not
now, then eventually. Of course, many may never realize the
effect this has on the rest of their lives, but it will be there
just the same. I’m of the opinion that there are no accidents in
the universe. Call it fate, coincidence, or a miracle. But it’s
not always necessary to consciously recognize the benefit a
particular happening brings to our experience. Console yourself
with the knowledge that, in the end, a benefit does exist -
every cloud has a silver, better yet, a diamond lining.
Am I really the eternal optimist I appear to be in print? I
assure you, I’m quite flawed. Those who know me best, and have
to put up with me at times, might suggest I’m more flawed than
most! Well, in my defense, I’m learning to transcend my
weaknesses. I said learning; it’s part of the human journey.
Will I ever make it? I guess it depends on where I’m headed!
Whatever, I do find it helps to consider the value of the
seemingly negative aspects of my life experience, and allow them
to point me in the right direction.
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