Peace on Earth, goodwill to all
people. Sadly this line has been reduced to a holiday banality,
recited without so much as a mere thought. What if we were to
really focus on it? What if each one of us took it upon
ourselves to make it our greatest wish? I don’t mean reduce it
to the flaky sentimentality of a beauty pageant grab for the
judges’ empathy, but instead to wholeheartedly saturate the
cells of our very beings with the intention. If we were to
personally take the responsibility to give this idea the
significance it deserves, what then do you think we might
In his book, “Peace is the Way: Bringing War and Violence to an
End”, Deepak Chopra asserts that our deeply rooted tendency to
resort to violence can be ended by raising consciousness among
individuals to bring about global change in awareness. This book
recommendation is my gift to you this holiday season. I
especially suggest it to those of you who support the notion
that war is the only way to defend ourselves from those who aim
to do us harm, by thought, word, or deed. Maybe, just maybe
there is a better way. How good would that be?
My belief is that every thought is a prayer. I don’t hold to the
idea that prayers must be recitations of one’s intentions or
desires. I understand that every thought I think goes out to the
Universal Energy I call God to be fulfilled. This makes an
important case for thinking supportive thoughts. If every
thought is a prayer, be careful what you ask for! Next time
you’re having ‘one of those days’, when everything seems to be
going wrong, review your thought patterns for the day. Back
track to when things began to fall apart, and you might find
this makes sense to you. Next time you might make more of an
effort to get out on the right side of the bed - with a smile on
your face. How much better will your prayers be, then!
If every thought is a prayer, what a great responsibility each
and every one of us has to think wonderful thoughts about
everything and anything. When Jesus advocated turning the other
cheek, for instance, he was encouraging us to think
understanding thoughts about our enemies? If we practice this
philosophy more often, perhaps we’ll begin to see results.
What makes someone our enemy, anyway? The times when we’re being
threatened with ill will is a no-brainer. It’s obviously
difficult to regard someone as a friend when they mean to harm
us. But even in this case, we can hold them to our hearts, and
stand up for ourselves with grace, respect, and love.
One of my mentors shared a story of the time a business partner
decided to take over his business. He was hurt and angry, and
his first reaction was to harbour great animosity toward the
fellow. As the case went to litigation, and his hopes of gaining
back control of his business got bleaker, he had a change of
attitude toward his former partner. Even in the midst of a court
battle, he made a conscious decision to open his heart and
lavish his enemy with love. Immediately he felt less stressed,
and to his surprise it wasn’t long before the fellow let it all
go, and dropped the case.
How hard does that sound! I must admit, despite all the training
I’ve been taking to improve and live in my higher self, I wonder
how it would be possible to acquire a feeling of love and
respect in such a situation. It’s not possible to pretend, God
knows the difference, so you must genuinely feel it. Are any of
us equal to the test?
I think it might help to remember that nothing has meaning until
we give it meaning. It’s all a matter of perception. In the big
scheme of things, what is right to one, may be wrong to another,
and vice versa. It obviously made perfect sense to the person
who felt he deserved to control the company. By the same token,
the person who put their ideas, time, and hard work into
developing the business was not prepared to have it all taken
away. We can agree with that, right? But all the bad feelings
and anger served only to make a stressful situation worse, and
the negative energy spread itself to smother families, friends,
and everyone in its path. That’s understandable, so it should be
just as easy to accept that a 180 degree change will produce an
equal and opposite reaction. Love, indeed, can conquer all.
As an aside, it’s interesting to note the other point my friend
made with this story alludes to the power of feminine intuition.
He instructs us to trust it always. His advice to men is if
you’re ever second-guessed by a female or feminine partner,
regarding your personal life or business, take it seriously. The
scenario here is that if he had listened to his wife, he
wouldn’t have gotten involved with said partner in the first
place, thereby saving himself a lot of trouble. On the other
hand, it’s a lesson he’ll never forget. There’s value in that.
Learn from his example - there’s no need to reinvent the wheel.
I’d like to offer a second gift to you, this time by way of a
film endorsement. If you have the opportunity, take time to
watch “The Secret”. It’ll explain a lot of what I’ve discussed
here. It’s not a mainstream movie, so unless you know someone
who has a copy, you may have to go online to purchase it.
Further in the spirit of the season, I’d like to offer my
blessings and best wishes to all those impacted by war, unrest,
and violence of any kind. I also include all who do their part
to inflict it, whether they be terrorists, criminals, or those
of us who support war of any kind, such as the war on terror.
Regardless of where our loyalties lie, or what our perceptions
are, war is war, and thoughts of war do nothing to diminish
violence, degradation, and destruction. In order to make things
better we must open our hearts and focus on love.
In order to help you make your business better the rule is the
same. Give us a call, we’d like the chance to focus on you.
Season’s Greetings from our open heart to your business,
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